By Anyon Ngoor Gorjok
But be ye a doer of the word ,and not hearers only ,deceiving your own selves .
For if any be a hear of the word and not a doer ,he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass :For he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straight way forgetteth what manner of man he is .
James 1:22-24
We are privileged to chart our course and navigate through life successfully by using a navigation system called the word of God printed in his precious book called the Bible .
The Bible is the most controversial book that has been through history ,for it to reach to us today ,it was a tag of war .Many died trying to make sure it reaches us today .
What is inside it that it is so much fought against,even the Popes who were also like emperors in the early christian days killed many for any attempt to own or translate a Bible .Only the priests had access to the Bible.
More people were killed by the religious organisations then by the Roman emperors of the day .
What makes even the religious organizations kill their own people just because of this precious book?,what is in this book ? What is the cause of this controversies around this book of faith?
It’s simple ,the word of God Sets us at liberty against the enemy of our souls called the devil .The Bible tells us that the Word of God watches us,no wonder that’s why Jesus said Continue in my word and by this shall I know that you are my disciple .The word disciple means student .A vigorous ardent follower of Jesus must adhere to the teachings of Christ , closely for successful triumph in the affairs of his or her life .
The word is the hope of God to help us live a Godly life which will qualify us to attain the destiny he so desired us to be part .Making heaven us will only be sponsored by us adhering to the truth of God’s word daily ,Jesus is coming for a people that are blameless ,a pure church .
God doesn’t compromise on his word , Why? He is not different from his word ,He is inseparable with his God ;Him and the word are one .He magnifies the word above himself. What a wonderful God we are privileged to follow always .
In our above opening Scripture,we are told to Be doers of the word of God not just hears .Have you ever wondered why Christians around the world are not all victorious over the enemy of their souls and become slaves to sin,it’s simply because they have refused to be doers of the word .
We need to understand that the word is like mirror and that we were born of the word .
Let’s read 1 peter 1:23 it Says,Being born again ,not of corruptible seed ,but of incorruptible,by the word of God ,which liveth and abideth forever .
When you and I received Jesus as lord of our lives ,the word of God gave birth to all of us ,no wonder that is why he commends is to the word of his grace which is able to build us up in him.It’s an abomination to walk contrary to your source . Once you act against the word of God ,you have forgotten who you really are and many not recognise you as a christian,it is your adherence to a Godly lifestyle that we shall distinguish you with sinners who are on their way to hell for refusing to accept the word (Jesus) who was made flesh and dwelt among us .Don’t allow Satan rob you of this liberty you have in Jesus.
Adhere fully to the instructions in the word of God and navigate your way successfully using this infallible GPs called the word of God printed in this precious book called the Bible .
Prophetic Confessions
Lord, thank you for the privilege of this life of the word ;I have made up my mind today to adhere to the principles of the word of God continuously to make my way prosperous as you promised Joshua.My life shall be upward and forward only in Jesus mighty name, Amen!
Prayer of salvation
King of glory,thank you for dyeing on the cross of Calvary for my sin,today I acknowledge you as lord of my life ,lord Jesus I believe in my heart as lord of my life .I confess your lordship over my life and am born again in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, we believe y
[3:08 AM, 3/1/2024] +211 929 122 298: you are saved ,now find a Bible believing church and grow your faith in Him!
More Scripture readings
Joshua 1:8,Psalms 1:1-3
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