By Anyon Ngoor Gorjok
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you ,Saith the lord , thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end Jeremiah 29:11
In all wisdom,God cares for us ;we are the embodiment of God on earth . God’s Spirit seeks to provide for us all we need in order to allow his continuous flow in us to do his ministry in us for his glory In our above opening scripture,the Bible tells us that ,For I know the thoughts I think toward you Saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end.
God promises us good thoughts of peace and and expected ,other translations of the Bible he promises peace and prosperity.
There is an unfathomable peace in God and prosperity and that’s why you must not be worried over what you can eat ,cloth and every other thing that takes your attention away from God .
In the book of Matthew 6:33 it says , Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all this things shall be added unto you . All the needs of a christian are fully met whenever he or she makes Jesus Christ of Nazareth the center of his thoughts ,doing the affairs of the kingdom of God and embracing the place of righteousness grants you all the best in the heart of the father God . Focusing on the issues to do with kingdom advancement like preaching ,evangelizing and doing charity work in your neighborhood and far as your capacity takes you enhances God’s provisions for you because as you sow positive seeds ,the harvest is sure to come in plenty .
God’s heart beat is you ,and he needs you to know that very well;his greatest desire is found when he provides for you all things that your heart desires in him and I am saying in him why? because God is our source ,he has to provide based on his known will and further provides bountifully to those who delight in him because many Christians come to him when they in need yet they are not delighting themselves in him.
Therefore, it’s important to make God the center of your thoughts and your provisions and impact of your life will be felt all round in Jesus mighty name.
Prophetic Confessions
Father ,thank you for the gift of the spirit in me ,thank you for thinking thoughts of peace and prosperity towards me always;the greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Am fully confident of the future a head because I know you have good plans for my life in Jesus name Amen.
Prayer of Salvation
Jesus king of glory,you have said in your word that whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved today ,today I call upon your name to save me from my sin;I acknowledge now as the lord of my life.Receive and renew me lord in you to dwell and rest in you for all eternity in Jesus Mighty name, Amen!
If you have prayed this prayer we believe you are saved now find a Bible believing church and grow your faith in Him alone
For more prayers please call,0989122298,0929122298

God’s greater plans for you are for peace and prosperity
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