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Mabior Kuol Kuol at his carpentry work station in Aweil town.

Aweil-based young carpenter wants youth to emulate his work

By Hou Akot Hou

Young budding carpenter Mabior Kuol Kuol wants youth in Aweil town to emulate his work in order to avoid the unemployment crisis in Nortrhern Bahr El Ghazal State.

The 33 –year- old resident of Aweil town was prior to gaining self- employment jobless, but lady luck struck when Save the Children enrolled him in 2015 for training in carpentry skills at Malualkon training center.

“I was trained by Save the Children International at Malualkon, and now I can do repairs of the doors, windows and tables,” Kuol told Juba Echo on Wednesday.

Kuol disclosed that is now able to support his children in school with the money he earns from his work.

“I want to appeal to the state government and the entire partners to support us the youth because most of the people are idol, it is through technical and vocational training that the nation can develop,” he said.

Kuol appealed to humanitarian organizations and other partners to support youth with technical and vocational training in the state.

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