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Judgment not fair, Ayii Duang claims

By Adia Jildo

CEO of the South Supreme Airline have accused Malakia judge for not being fair in the ruling of the 2021 Uror plane crash citing no evidences of the cause of the plane crash.

10 people on board were killed due to plane crash alleged to a failed engine of the South Supreme airline in Pieri, Uror County just 10 minutes after taking off from Yuai Airstrip, on the 2nd March 2021.

Ayii said the result from the black box have not yet been seen for the   judge to rule the case.

“It has not even been discovered what the reasons for the plane crash was, is God who knows.  What brought these 8 people inside this plane heading to Juba and why. That’s what we are still confused about, that was a cargo plane,” he said.

He blamed the court for not knowing the law citing they are acting out of the law and having personal interest by rushing the case without looking at the cause of the accident and over charging blood compensation.

“Planes do crash in every country but to rule is to use the laws of the country in which the plane crashed in, I am really sorry of the Malakia court by its ruling of 170,000 United States Dollar per person,” he said.

Ayii refuted claims that his companies had fake document and were outdated additionally with no insurance policies and full awareness by aviation authority.

“They say the plane was not registered, its license expired but the plane lands in the airport, all my companies have the right document and I am following the law. If there is something that’s not right, let the law take its cause,” he said adding he will face the consequences.

He said the ruling does not prevent him from following the court orders citing his stay in prison for 21 days.

“We will obey the law but the right law that implies to every one, We  will take the law and implement it as they want,” he said.

In June, the South Sudan government in the minister of transport, Madut Biar Yel suspended four companies which had faked an EY registration  from the Republic of Tajikistan.

The court adjourned an hearing in regards to the Ayii’s South Supreme airline crash to 20th September after he failed to appear before Monday.

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