The Africa Youth and Adolescents Network in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on Thursday launched the start of countrywide dramatic performances to promote peace and reconciliation.
“We are actually launching magnetic theater, it is a theater that is t to be mobile moving from one region to another, which is intended to be advocacy tool to take out messages on sexual reproductive health and rights, peace and reconciliation and mental health and gender -based violence,” said Emmanuella Dwatuka, program officer for Africa Youth and Adolescents Network.
He was speaking during the launching ceremony in Munuki suburb of Juba.
Dwatuka said that they will perform drama, comedy, dance and poetry aimed at discouraging harmful practices like inter-communal violence, gender-based violence and other harmful practices.
Marol Mark, a member of the national parliament welcomed the development arguing that theater performances will contribute their part in bringing peace and reconciliation among communities.
He urged the youth to reach out across the 10 states and three administrates areas.
“In south Sudan what is needed is mental education so that we can have development,” said Mark.
Mary Juan, the program analyst for adolescents and youth in UNFPA, said they are focusing on behavior change in the society in 2023.
“Theater attracts and makes change in people’s lives, young people are central to our work,” said Juan.
“We would like to see in 2023 actual work of behavior change among young people especially on sexual reproductive health and gender -based violence,” she added.
Aiman Accuk, the program officer for Youth Voice South Sudan, said peace needed at the family, community and country level.
“We want young people to act as change agents in South Sudan so that they can get peace at home, in their community. The magnetic theater is a community outreach program that is going to be based on peace and reconciliation,” said Accuk.