By John Agok
A wing of South Sudan Women’s Bloc has demanded for restoration of Amer Manyok Deng as the authentic representative of Women’s Bloc, in R. JMEC Plenary Roadmap of the R-ARCSS 2018 TO 2025.
The Women Bloc of South Sudan was created and legally registered in 2016 and entrusted to the leadership of Amer Manyok as a signatory on behalf of the Women to a peace accord in 2018 in Addis Ababa.
However, she was put off in 2018 after the peace deal and substituted by Mary Akec who decamped from the bloc and fashioned a parallel group of women and used it to secure an appointment to represent the Women bloc in the R-JMEC Plenary body.
The five-page petition underlined how Amer lost her seat at R-JMEC and was disproportionately replaced by Mary Akech Bior and Why Amer Manyok Deng is the authentic Chairperson of Women’s Bloc in the R-JMEC.
The petition was submitted to R. JMEC office in Juba last week and officials promised to schedule a meeting with Women bloc before long.
“The Women’s bloc explores this moment to honestly express their gratitude to the regional and international guarantors, donors, stakeholders and the great peoples of South Sudan for having made a great step towards peace,” reads their statement.
The group sincerely appreciated Gen. Charles Gituai the Chairperson of R. JMEC and pledged full support to the extension of the R. ARCSS Roadmap of the R-TGONU which TROKEA has some reservation about it.
“We believe this extension will empower the RJMEC to continue monitoring the implementation,” reads another line of the document.
This application will task the Peace Monitoring Body that reports to IGAD to choose between the two women contending for the same position of signifying the will of South Sudan in RJMEC.