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Who has bewitched you to walk contrary to the lord?

By Abraham Anyon

O foolish Galatians ,who has bewitched you,that ye should not obey the truth,before whose eyes Christ Jesus hath been evidently set forth,crucified among you?
Galatians 3:1
We live in a wicked world and it almost scary to say and live in this world .What a powerful statement by the spirit of God in our above opening scripture in our above opening scripture which says “Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Christ Jesus has been evidently set forth crucified among you.”
We need to notice wholeheartedly that the spirit of God was speaking through Apostle Paul to the christians in his day and still he is still speaking to us today since we also partakers of the divine,in the time of Apostle Paul and even now ,christians live as though they are bewitched.The first sign of being bewitched is living contrary according to the scriptures yet your life is now for the lord Jesus Christ,king of glory.
The Galatians in his day were living immoral and devilish ways yet they saw Jesus Christ being crucified in their eyes ,what a shame ? So obeying the truth of God’s word honours his crucifixion and also sets a great example to the coming generation of believers to live holy with sanity .
No wonder that’s why the Bible tells us in the book of Colossians 3:16,that let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom Living in wisdom is so vital as a christian and we must know it is walk in the spirit not just mere walking,let the word of dwell in us richly by consciously studying the word of God daily without any excuse and with this we shall redeem of time on earth and foremost fulfil the heart of God for his eternal glory in mighty name, Amen!
Prophetic Confessions Lord thank you for the gift of life ,today I refuse to act like bewitched,I will in line the word of God;I refuse to crucify my lord Jesus again by living contrary to his known will for my life .Our lives are all God wants us to fulfill and I will live according to his will for my life for lasting fulfilment ,Amen
Prayer of salvation
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for dying on the cross of Calvary for my sin; today I acknowledge you as lord of my life to live in your eternal glory with you:the Bible says whosoever ever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. I trust in you with my whole life today in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer we believe you are saved now find a Bible believing church and grow your faith in Him alone
For more prayers please call 0989122298,0929122298

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