The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party led by President Salva Kiir on Saturday welcomed 156 members from the SPLM-In Opposition (SPLM-IO) in Rubkona County.
Kuol Kuany, who led the defectors, said they decamped from the party led by First Vice President Riek Machar because their views were being gagged.
Sudan People Liberation Movement in opposition SPLM-IO have defected to Sudan people,s Liberation Movement SPLM ruling party in Unity state claimed that Sudan people,s Liberation Movement in Rubkona county mistreated them with limited freedom of speech and expression.
“We have come back to our mother party SPLM; we defected because of mistreatment and poor procedures of democracy being practiced by Rubkona County Commissioner,” Kuany said during the ceremony welcoming them to the SPLM party held in Rubkona County of Unity State.
At least 130 members who joined the SPLM hail from Rubkona County and 26 are from Panyijiar County.
The former opposition members were received by SPLM Secretary General in Unity State, Doctor Chutyier Koryom.
Kuany disclosed they want to partici[pate in ongoing effort to bring lasting peace and unity among the population of Unity State.
Doctor Chutyier Koryom, the SPLM Secretary General asked their new members to mobilize support for the party ahead of the upcoming general election scheduled for December 2024.
“I am happy to receive this huge number of defectors, as you have joined us let us join hands for 2024 elections awareness. SPLM is ready for the 2024 elections,” Koryom said.
William Gai Riak, the Secretary General of SPLM-IO when contacted, said that those that have purportedly joined the SPLM are humanitarian workers who decided to join politics after their contracts with the Danish Refugee Council ended.
“We had about that the defection but these people are not from Sudan People’s Liberation Movement -In Opposition, they are humanitarian workers who should remain neutral,” Riak said.