EYA in partnership with Local Response Pooled Fund (LRPF) and Save the Children launched ‘’Provide setting up/strengthening existing child friendly spaces; Life-skills and resilience building activities to vulnerable women and children (boys and girls) affected by disasters and internal conflicts including IDPs and returnees Project’’ in Majook Yinthiou municipality and Akuong Boma of Aweil East County, NBGS’’.
The launched was attended by EYA’s Executive Director Mr. Garang Athian Deng, Mr. George Garang Bak, Town Mayor of Majok Yinthiou, Atem Garang, Boma Administrator of Akuong Boma of Malual Baai and also in attendance were the local chiefs, Youth, Women, IDPS leaders, and religious leaders in Majook Yinthiou and Akuong boma of Malual Baai payam of Aweil East County. The event aimed to sensitize community leaders on the importance and the impact of the project to the targeted beneficiaries in Aweil East County. The occasion created relationships between women, Youth, religious and community leaders as well as EYA, LRPF and Save the Children.
The event was opened by Majook Yinthiou town Mayor, Mr. George Garang Bak and Akuong Boma Administrator Mr. Atem Garang.
Mr. George, “welcomed the project to Majook Yinthiou and thanked EYA, LRPF and Save the Children for choosing Majook Yinthiou. He said the project is good because it targets hard to reach areas such as Majook Yinthiou and Akuong.”
“He has emphasized that EYA, LRPF and Save the Children should support education Programs, Sports Activities, Economic Empowerment, VSLA and establish Vocational Trainings for IDPS and Host Community of Majook Yinthiou”.
Mr. Georg promised to work with EYA from the beginning of the project to the end and has encouraged EYA, LRPF and Save the Children to keep up the good work in implementing various projects to support the local communities in Aweil East County.
On a separate note, Akuong Boma’s Administrator Mr. Atem Garang, welcome EYA, LRPF and Save Children to Akuong Boma and promised to work hand in hand with IDPS in and host community of Akuong to Identify the most vulnerable children to be supported by the project.
Area Chief Mr. Juwiir highlighted challenges facing his community such as (Child marriage, school dropouts, Inadequate schools) of which partners such as LRPF and Save the Children International can work together in implementing close projects with EYA that may promote education and end Gender Based Violence and SGBV. We can achieve more through this project since the project focuses on child friendly spaces and provision of psychosocial support to the Youth and Women in Akuong Boma of Malual Baai payam of Aweil East County. He has thanked EYA for choosing Akuong area, he said he will be praying for more projects to be implemented in his area”.