The government has called for participation of youth in all existing forums aimed at achieving peace and security in the country.
The call was made by Pia Philip the Undersecretary for the Ministry of Peace Building during the occasion to mark the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250.
“The role of youth in peace building is very critical they should be engaged and be given the platform they require to take charge and be able to participate in the building of sustainable peace,” said Philip during a press conference held in Juba .
On 9 December 2015, the UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution 2250 which recognizes the importance and positive role of young people in the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security.
Philip called on the youth to avoid being manipulated by politicians and start actively participating in peace building.
“Nobody should drive you to a war that is not your war; the time has come for you to stop fighting for people,” he said.
Philip called on young people to embrace technology and innovation in order to improve their welfare.
“The time now is for education, innovation, and technology, this is where the world is going, and it is not your boss or community leader who will enable you to earn a living for yourself and your family,” he disclosed.
Dr. Ademole Olajide, Country Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said there are no winners whenever war breaks out.
Wani Stephen, Chairperson for Youth, Peace and Security Coalition, said the youth need support of partners and government to ensure their participation in bringing durable peace.
“The government and UN agencies in South Sudan should foster the active, systematic, and meaningful participation of young people in peace and security,” said Stephen.